Revision of "After Adrienne Rich's 'Snapshots of a Daughter-in-law'"
I have changed Sections 6 and 10 drastically, and made what I hope are improvements to the other sections. I am too close to the poem right now to judge its worth, but I need to give it a tentatively finished form before I can leave it alone and go on to other things. The change in the title should clarify the form and approach of the poem. An Essay after Adrienne Rich's "Snapshots of a Daughter-in-law" 1. "You, once a belle in Shreveport" One of the tallest boys of Class 1A, you posed against the older scouts, front double biceps, back lat spread, side chest, taut postures you studied in muscle mags while night coaching your little flared dick. You were only half surprised when you won. Though the other boys had more to show, you threw your hardest punch into the hand you raised. You crushed your abdominals as if jumping on a soda can you tossed. Your heart was still flushed the day after when a patrol leader, with strawberry for lips, grab...