Best of the Net 2006

Poems published online and judged by Paul Guest to be Best of the Net 2006.


Rob said…
Best of the Net? It looks like North America 20 Rest of the World 0 to me.

That said, the idea of bringing good writers and webzines to the attention of the USA print poetry world is good. But as a neutral outsider, I've got to say that of the 8 poems I've read so far, none of them struck me as particularly worthy of note. They were OK, the kind of poetry I'd expect to read on opening an average-quality magazine at random.
Jee Leong said…
Hi Rob,
yes, the compilation is very American-centric. I have not read the other poems, but the winning poem I enjoyed.

Rob said…
I must have missed something, Jee. I don't see any winner.
Jee Leong said…
Hi Rob,
sorry for the confusion. I thought there was one winning poem, but I was wrong. The poem I enjoyed is David Graham's "Against God," the first poem on the list.

Jee Leong
Rob said…
Yes, that one is better than any of the others I read. But generally I'm unimpressed and I think the Pulitzer judges etc. will have their prejudices against the net confirmed rather than challenged if the ones I've read are representative.

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