George Held's Review of "Payday Loans"

George Held is the Co-editor Emeritus of The Ledge Poetry & Fiction Magazine, the outfit that published and nominated my poem "Brother" for the Best New Poets Anthology 2007. His review of Payday Loans, in Home Planet News, is mixed:

What are the odds that a gay Singaporean would or could publish a book of sonnets inspired by Paul Goodman (1911-72)? In Goodman's day, nil; in 2007, low. Yet for its debut chapbook, Poets Wear Prada has produced this beautifully designed and printed collection of thirty sonnets, one for every day of April, presumably 2005. Each poem bears the date as its title. Thus the first poem is "April 1, Friday," and in it the speaker asks "Mr. Certain Death" to "lend me thirty," with the promise, "You'll get them back on my payday." This is the payday loan that gives the book its title. Note that Koh uses "them" to refer to "thirty," an example of his sometimes unidiomatic English.

But these slips don't detract from his fluency with the sonnet. He works all kinds of variations within its strict confines, to which he adheres in most cases. Moreover, he writes alternately in the Italian form, which allows less freedom in its rhyme scheme than the English form, in which he writes the other half of the time. He even writes a sonnet with an inverted rhyme scheme, and he has fun with comic rhymes. Thus "April 1, Friday" ends with these rhyme words: "pissed," "mall," "irrational," and "subsist." In "April 16, Saturday" Koh uses a single rhyme for the first thirteen lines and then breaks the pattern with the onomatopoeic word "crack," enforcing the breach.

I mention only some of Koh's play with the sonnet, to suggest his versatility and the degree to which the pleasures of his book are formal. (The cover bears a firmly ruled calendar for April 2005.) Next to form, Koh's obsession is sex, a subject that informs his better poems here. Arguably the best is "April 13, Wednesday," which the government of Singapore banned from being read at a gay-pride celebration there. The poem begins:

Come on, straight boy, and make gay love with me.
One night of loving will not turn you queer,
if queer is what you will not bend to be.
Loving a man is but a change of gears.

These lines recall the rhetorical strategies of John Donne's poems addressed to his (women) lovers, sly attempts to persuade his listener to enter into forbidden intimacy. Like Donne and other major poets, particularly sonnet writers, Koh exploits the value of monsyllables: these four lines contain 40 syllables, 38 in monosyllabic words. Moreover, except for the necessary adjective "straight," these lines eschew modifiers. Koh's skill in a second language puts to shame many contemporary poets who are native speakers of English and who seem addicted to modification. "April 13, Wednesday" is a perfect sonnet in the sense that it fulfills itself in exactly fourteen lines. It moves from the charming opening quatrain through a second which asks questions to disparage heterosexual coupling and a third that argues for the superiority of performance between same-sex lovers, to the sensational closing couplet: "What have you got to lose? Leap, acrobat!/ You can always fall back on pussycat."

The questions in the second quatrain recall Shakespeare, whose sonnets contain much interrogation, and whose other strategies and tones Koh's work borrows from. Other mentors are more contemporary and some are gay, including Goodman, a line from one of whose sonnets Koh uses to begin "April 20, Wednesday," and Frank O'Hara, to whose Lunch Poems Koh alludes in "April 19, Tuesday," which begins, "This is not a lunch poem. It's an after/ lunch poem. I can write this coz [sic] I'm jobless." By the end of this riff on an O'Hara poem, the speaker receives a job offer. Maybe he will soon be able to pay off his loan to Mr. Certain Death, but that theme occurs only sporadically in PAYDAY LOANS, despite the title.

Speaking of titles, I wonder that none of the famous poets Koh heartily thanks for their help did not point out to him that giving his poems the names of days would leave them bereft if they are ever anthologized: "April 18, Monday" offers no clue about the fine erotic poem beginning "What's on tonight but lips pressed on lips." And not all the poems in the collection add to its value; maybe Koh should have chosen February. All told, however, this book refreshes our sense of what can still be done in a traditional form when the poet uses his wits and has the wit of Jee Leong Koh

To all future Anthologists, you shall use the title dating each poem, and no other, not the first line, for instance. The date-title owns an occult meaning which only the initiated will recognize and understand. By the order of the Magister Ludi.


Anonymous said…
I thought it was a pretty good review although initially it's almost with disbelief that a non native speaker (assumption that English is your SECOND language) CAN write with versatility and wit the way you do :)! All the best and continue to surprise them. 'jiayou'...
Larry said…
It is a slightly annoying review with its preoccupation with form and with the stereotypes he attaches to your biography. The tone is a bit sour but some praise does come through grudgingly.
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
Having not read "Payday Loans", I can only comment on the review, which is, quite frankly: odd. What is wrong with using a common English style. Do you have an "obsession" with sex. Then so did Shakespeare, and Donne, and Milton, and... I am not certain that the review does say that much about form. Technique, yes: the sonnet. Donne was obsessed (too) with the monosyllable. I hardly know what that means. As I say, an odd and undiscerning review, which is meant to praise, but has lost its way.

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