Poem Nominated for Pushcart Prize

Sunny Woan, the editor of Kartika Review, has just told me that not only will the review be publishing my poem "Childhood Punishments" in Issue  #4, but it will also be nominating the poem for the Pushcart. What a brilliant surprise for this Thanksgiving! I am celebrating by eating my Shin Bowl Noodle Soup. Yum.


Larry said…
Good, Jee! Happy Christmas, Thanksgiving and any other excuse to eat good noodle soup!
Calder said…
Happy Noodle Soup and all that!

What great news and soo well deserved, congrats friend!! Big smiles!!! I am predicting you will make the cut and we will see this poem in the Pushcart Anthology.

I add my gladness to the others on this good news. And for Thanksgiving, we had beef curry. Good food goes well with good news.

Jee Leong said…
Thanks, Larry, R Jay, Patty and Lai Meng. The poem and other nominated pieces are up on Kartika Review website, if you would like to read them.
Anonymous said…
I've read the other pieces...congratulations...the poem is one of the strongest in your book. May it fare well.
Jee Leong said…
Thanks, Andrew. I value your opinion.

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