Poem: To “To The Tune ‘Clear Peace Happiness’” by Li Qingzhao, translated by Kenneth Rexroth

To “To The Tune ‘Clear Peace Happiness’” by Li Qingzhao, translated by Kenneth Rexroth

Year after year in the snow, intoxicated,
I have put the new plum blossoms
In my hair.
Now the fallen petals
Only depress me.
All I have gained is a dress
Wet with crystal tears.
This year I am at the corner
Of the sea and the edge of Heaven.
I am old and lonely.
My temples have turned white.
I realize that the evening wind
Is too strong for me.
It is no longer possible
For me to contemplate
The blossoming plums.

Night after night in the song, intoxicated,
I have held the young warm bodies
in my arms.
Now the averted voices
only depress me.
All I have gained is a shirt
rough with short hairs.
Tonight I am at the corner
of the bar and the edge of Hell.
I am old and lonely.
My feet have turned in.
I realize that the dance music
is too loud for me.
It is no longer possible
for me to contemplate
the shining boys.


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