Poem: "On My Way to a Photo Exhibition of Trees in New York City"
Photo by Benjamin Swett; cover image for his book New York City of Trees
On My Way to
a Photo Exhibition of Trees in New York City
I’m walking
into the wind.
Now I know
what the sail
feels, the
tiller in another’s
hand. Now I
know the sad
flapping of
clothes pegged
to a short line.
The street
sign quavers
on its metal
stem like a
cymbal struck.
It is not a
human sound,
and the black
coats, feet
the sidewalk,
will strain
in their drift
toward a
human sound,
but, as
Dante observed,
before he
heard the love
Francesca da Rimini
bore for her
young brother,
the lights
are mute here.
"Now I know what the sail
feels, the tiller in another's