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After disaster there is disease controlled with a regimen of pills.
When the towers fell, you say, I was barebacking this guy from Therapy.
I watched on CNN the second tower fall and knew I had to get away to America.
Your boyfriend is a medical intern who thinks there’s no safe sex with you.
Cops underground everywhere but I’ve never seen unattended baggage.
Your boyfriend’s favorite line is, I’m courting disaster; his second favorite, I’m leaving on a jetplane.
My landlord told me yesterday he’s going to Montreal for counter-terrorism training.
I love the city, you say, glass in hand, but does the city love me?
When the towers fell, you say, I was barebacking this guy from Therapy.
I watched on CNN the second tower fall and knew I had to get away to America.
Your boyfriend is a medical intern who thinks there’s no safe sex with you.
Cops underground everywhere but I’ve never seen unattended baggage.
Your boyfriend’s favorite line is, I’m courting disaster; his second favorite, I’m leaving on a jetplane.
My landlord told me yesterday he’s going to Montreal for counter-terrorism training.
I love the city, you say, glass in hand, but does the city love me?