I have a call number

A couple of weeks ago, I sent a copy of my chapbook to the library of my MFA College, Sarah Lawrence, and today I came home to a nice thank-you note from them. More, they sent me a photocopy of the library record of my book, showing my very own call number. So if you visit the Esther Raushenbush Library, you should find Payday Loans at PS3611.04 P39 2007. Total cool.


Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
just want to drop in and say hi. got in touch with vimal via friendster and was reminded of my days in cck and u of course. got curious and 'googled' u. looks like you are doing well. congrats.
haryati :)
James said…
Interesting. I have a friend who just got accepted by Sarah Lawrence.

Happy to hear about your chapbook.

Jee Leong said…
Thanks, Greg!

Hi Haryati, good to hear from you. I hope you are enjoying teaching still, and life, and stuff like that.

Hi James, thanks. If your friend wants some insider's info, ask him to email me.
Anonymous said…
Hi jee leong,

It's nice you still remember me. :) Can I ask you for a favour? Can you record a reading of a poem for me? i will pass u the poem? Kids stuff.
Jee Leong said…
Will email you, Haryati.

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