Submissions Call for PFFA Anthology

Call for Submissions for “Try to Have Your Writing Make Sense - The Quintessential PFFA Anthology”

The Poetry Free-for-all will publish an anthology of poems – “Try to Have Your Writing Make Sense – The Quintessential PFFA Anthology” - at the end of 2013. For those of you who are new, PFFA was founded in 1999 by Béla Selendy and remains one of the preeminent online poetry workshops. It is still intent on the improvement of the writer’s craft. The anthology’s aim is to present the quality and diversity of work that has been developed and critiqued at the site.

Remember: We’re mean. We’re nasty. We’re merciless. We’re cruel. We’re vile. We’re heartless. We’re an evil clique conspiring to annihilate your self-esteem, so observe the following rules for submission or we’ll slash your soul to ribbons: 

• Only poems that have been workshopped in the critical forums at the site will be considered for publication. Those forums are: C&C, High, and Merciless.
• If you would like to submit work written during NaPoWriMo or Seven/Seven, run, do not walk, to workshop those poems in the above-mentioned forums. 
• While we prefer unpublished work, previously published poems are fine. You must, however, own the rights to all work submitted and should indicate the journal of first publication.
• Simultaneous submissions are also acceptable as long as you immediately inform us of acceptance elsewhere.

With all that in mind:

• Email up to 5 poems to with your name and “PFFA Anthology” in the subject line.
• Poems should be copied and pasted into the body of the email. (Any special formatting will be addressed upon acceptance.)
• Please include a brief biography (max. 80 words) with your real name and PFFA handle and a short statement of how PFFA has (seriously, adversely, humorously, fill-in-the-blank) affected you as a writer.
• Deadline for submissions is May 31, 2013.
• Every contributor will be paid with one copy of “Try to Have Your Writing Make Sense”. Any profit will go toward the care and feeding of PFFA. 

Questions? By all means email us at 

For the PFFA Anthology,
Editors Howard Miller and Donna Smith


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