New FB Page for New Book

Well, I debated with myself for a while whether I should have a FB page for my new book. After all, I already have a personal page and an author page, so why inflict another page on the page-weary world? But when I published my second and third books, I did have blogs for them. If I don't have something special for this fifth child, he will be mighty jealous. If you are a parent, you know there will be hell to pay. I have woken up in the middle of the night and heard him whimpering that he is about to meet the world and I don't even have a lousy scrapbook to record his birth. Furthermore, he reminds me in his little yet-to-be-published voice, he is the FIRST book to be brought out in the UK, which makes him rather special, don't I think. And what's more, he is to be published by the renown Carcanet Press. Do I really understand what a big deal this is? This morning I received the final proof from the typesetter's, and I could see the almost fully developed lungs, and even a wisp of hair on the head. Two more months! He is expected in July. So with his tiny voice in my head, I am setting up this Facebook page to record the miracle. Indulge me. I am not a new parent but this is a new book. Expect lots of photos and messages and maybe even cries for help. Feel free to express your oohs and aahs, and extend your good wishes by writing on this page. Take him off my hands as often as you can. It takes a village etc etc. So pushy even before he arrives, what will he be like when he appears?


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