Days: Shi Hou Chang

Shih Hou Chang

He had a runner’s build but hated running.
He rooted
his toes
into the public park
and grew from his fingers
rose bushes.
He would not run, would not
ignite his lungs
and raze the flower’s thorn and leaf,
but let decay
take its slow, stationary course.


I love the way you build this series, one person at a time, until I feel I am in a gallery of portraits.

Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
These poems have grown in me. They are becoming miniatures (in the Renaissance sense). The best are delicate, but strong in view-point. Bravo!
Jee Leong said…
Hi Patty,
Thanks for following the work. I appreciate it.

Hi eshuneutics,
I'm glad you like these tiny pieces more now. They are New Yorker cartoons but not funny.

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